Saturday, April 25, 2009

Little Miss Mia Update

Usually there is not much new with Mia (except how cute she is gettting) which is why I don't post as often anymore. She is learning the typical new things that babies learn. She has rolled over a few times and is now saying the word momma! I got to hold and cuddle her the other night and it was remarkable. It had been awhile since I'd held for more than just a quick hello and as she was curled in my arms I couldn't help but reminisce on how far she has come. There were some very sad times and unknown resolutions as she lay there day in and day out waiting for a heart. My heart hurt watching all that her and her family were going through but I always felt things would work out for Mia and they have and for that I know so many of us will be forever grateful! Mia's health is no where near perfect but has definitely come a long way. Her white blood cell count has declined again and so they will again be tweaking some meds in hopes of solving that. She still needs assistance from the feeding tube but is also continuing to get a little bit better at bottle feeding. Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers and feel free to keep em' coming!
Here is a link for a clinic in ID that will be doing a huge garage sale to benefit Mia, on May 30th. Check out the link and please feel free to help out!
Mimi and Mia will also be featured in a publication called Mormon Times. I believe their story will be printed on Mother's Day!
Thanks again to everyone for helping Mia and her family get to where they are today!


Anonymous said...

I really want to help you guys out. The Good Samaritan Hospital is willing to donate to "LITTLE MISS MIA"~ 1 MILLION DOLLARS TO HELP WITH HER MEDICAL BILLS AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS.

Wendy Ashton said...

My husband's Aunt forwarded me an article from the paper...and I found your blog.

My son was born with critical aortic stenosis in April 2007. We haven't had near as bumpy road as you, but your beginnings are familar. I would love to be in contact with another heart mom of a child with the same condition. We have a carepage for Jared.

Please email me:

Wendy Ashton, mother of Jared with AS

Anonymous said...

She is the cutest little girl ever!!!! How log will she need the ng tube? Our son is getting g tube this on, kinda nervous!